Interdisciplinary International Scientific Conference “Modern Challenges of Sustainable Development”


Interdisciplinary International Scientific Conference “Modern Challenges of Sustainable Development”

Call for Papers:

Welcome to the I International Scientific Conference “Modern Challenges of Sustainable Development” at David Aghmashenebeli University of Georgia (SDASU), Faculty of Business and Social Sciences and Center of Sustainable Development Interdisciplinary Researches on November 25, 2023.

The conference is dedicated to the 950th anniversary of David the Builder.

About Conference:

I International Scientific Conference “Modern Challenges of Sustainable Development” aims to bring together leadingacademic professionals, research scholars, researchers and Ph.D. students to exchange and share their ideas and experiences and research results about all aspects of Sustainable Development (economical, social and ecological). It is also a major interdisciplinary forum for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the latest innovations, trends, problems, challenges and solutions in the fields of development in science and technology.

The conference will be held annually to facilitate the exchange of scientific information between researchers, students and practitioners worldwide.

Organizing Committee


  • Prof. Rusudan Kvaratskhelia, – Head of the Quality Assurance Department; DAUG; Georgia
  • Assoc. Prof. Paata Kunchulia, Associated Professor- Dean, Faculty of Business and Social Sciences. DAUG; Georgia
  • Prof. David Kbiladze, – Head of the Sustainable Development Interdisciplinary Research Center. DAUG; Georgia
  • Prof. Tinatin Doliashvili, Head of the Business Administration BA and MA Programs. DAUG; Georgia
  • Assoc. Prof. Sophio Chkopoia – Head of the International Relations BA and MA Programs. DAUG; Georgia
  • Assist. Prof. Zhaneta Kilasonia, – Dean, Faculty of Journalism and Humanities. DAUG; Georgia
  • Assoc. Prof. Tamar Tvaladze – Head of the Learning Process Management Department, Head of the English Philology BA Program. DAUG; Georgia
  • Prof. Yamze Taboridze, head of the Center for Scientific Research and Continuing Education. DAUG; Georgia
  • Assoc. Prof. Giorgi Subeliani. DAUG; Georgia
  • Assist. Prof.  Teimuraz Sartania, Head of the Department of International Relations. DAUG; Georgia
  • Tamar Chiradze, Main specialist of Academic Process Management Department, Faculty of Business and Social Sciences, DAUG; Georgia

International Initiative Group

  • Prof. Goran Ilik, Vice Rector, University “St. Kliment Ohridski” – Bitola, Field – Legal Studies, Macedonia
  • Prof. Mustafa Erdoğdu, Dean Faculty of Business and Administrative, Field – Business Administrative, Beykoz University, Turkey
  • Prof. Aytekin Demircioglu, Vice Dean of Faculty of Humanity and Social Science, Filed – Philosophy, Kastamonu University, Turkey
  • Associate Prof., Larissa Batrancea, Field – Economics, Babes-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca, Romania
  • Prof. Aylin Soydan, Field – Business Administrative, Istanbul Okan University, Turkey
  • Assoc. Prof. Kateryna Tryma, Field – Political Science, Senior Researcher, Institute of Higher Education, NAESU, Ukraine
  • Assist. Prof., Ahmet Gorgen, Field – Political Science, Izmir Democracy University, Turkey
  • Piotr Pietrzak, Field – Political Philosophy, Lecturer Sofia University, Bulgaria
  • Begum Burak, Field – Politics and International Relations, Independent Researcher, Turkey
  • Viana Hassan, Field – Management and Cultural Expert in Medical Tourism, Lecturer University of Malta

Conference Sections:

Section of Economics and Business

Social Progress Section

Environmental Protection Section

Conference Themes:

    • Sustainable Development Goals, Indexes and Indicators;

    • Forecasting and strategic planning of individual sustainable development (economics, social progress, ecology);

    • State Regulation and Management;

    • Business and Sustainable Development

    • Green Economy and Ecological Security;

    • Economic Growth and Sustainable Development

    • The Impact of Pandemic, Hostilities and other Force Majeure Circumstances on Sustainable Development;

    • Positive and Negative Impact of Business on Sustainable Development; / Positive and Negative Impact of Sustainability on Business;

    • Green Economy and Ecological Security;

    • Post-pandemic Challenges in the Business Sector and in Tourism Industry;

    • Social Development and Gender Equality in Sustainable Development.

    • Tendencies and Perspectives of Sustainable Tourism Development;

    • International Economic Relations;

    • The Main Vectors of Macroeconomical Development for 2030;

    • Digital Technology and Cyber Security in Sustainable Development;

Target Audience:

The Conference is the ultimate platform for academic professionals, research scholars, researchers and PhD students from all over the world.

Registration Fee and Payment


Important Dates:

    • Abstract Submission Deadline: 20 November, 2023

    • Conference Date: 25 November, 2023 

NOTE:  The authors will be notified about their submission results in 10 working days. Submissions will be evaluated based on the abstract/proposal.

Additional Information:

    • Working Languages of the Conference: Georgian, English

    • Every Participant will be awarded a certificate of participation.

    • The paper may have maximum 4 authors.

    • All accepted papers of the conference will be published in the conference proceedings book in a e-proceeding format and will be uploaded at SDASU website. The papers presented at the conference will be published in peer-reviewed and refereed scientific journal “Spectri”.

Articles for the Journal:

The article must be submitted electronically, the parameters of the article must be: sheet size – A4, left interval – 3cm, right interval – 1.5cm, upper and lower intervals – 2cm, font – sylfaen, for Georgian text, Times New Roman for English text; Font size – 12, spacing between lines – 1.5. The number of pages of the article should not exceed 10 printed pages including tables, images, and drawings. The article can be written in Georgian or English. Head page: 1. Article title; 2. Full name and surname of the author(s); 3. E-mail address of the correspondent author; 4. Scientific/academic degree of the author(s), full name of the workplace (affiliation);


The abstract must be written in Georgian and English languages (no more than 250 words). The abstract must include: Keywords (no more than 7 words); Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussions and Conclusions.


The list of used literature should be sorted according to the sequence of citations in the text (literature in the text, without the use of a footnote, should be marked with an Arabic digit inserted in a square bracket); the articles should be cited according to the style of Harvard or Chicago.

The conference will be held at David Aghmashenebeli University of Georgia (SDASU) on November 25, 2023.

Address: Chavchavadze Str. 25, Tbilisi, Georgia

If you have any questions, please contacts us:

Paata Kunchulia  – 595 95 99 97 –

David Kbiladze  – 599 90 17 17 –

ბოლო კომენტარები

არ არის კომენტარი, რომ გაჩვენოთ.
საქართველოს დავით აღმაშენებლის სახელობის უნივერსიტეტი

საქართველოს დავით აღმაშენებლის სახელობის უნივერსიტეტი

I will be back soon

საქართველოს დავით აღმაშენებლის სახელობის უნივერსიტეტი

რით შევძლებთ თქვენს დახმარებას ? 🧡