Virtual Tour

The visit of the professor and doctoral student of the David Aghmashenebeli University of Georgia to the Bucharest Scientific Symposium


The visit of the professor and doctoral student of the David Aghmashenebeli University of Georgia to the Bucharest Scientific Symposium

Within the framework of the 12th National Congress of the Romanian Association of Endoscopic Surgery and Other Interventional Techniques, in Bucharest, October 31-November 3, were held several scientific events:  The 12th National Congress of the Romanian Association of Endoscopic Surgery and Other Interventional Techniques; The 25th Annual Meeting of the European Surgical Society; The 14th Romanian Symposium on Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery; The 14th Romanian Symposium on Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery. A professor of David Aghmashenebeli University of Georgia, Tamaz Gvenetadze together with foreign colleagues Dorin-Evgen Popa (Linköping, Sweden) and Adrian Hotineanu (Chisinau, Republic of Moldova) held a panel, and Ph.D. student Elguja Ardia presented the research topic “Treatment of Perineal Hernia after Kenny-Miles Operation, which drew great attention from the side of foreign colleagues.