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History of DAUG

David Aghmashenebeli University of Georgia Ltd (DAUG – hereinafter), have a 30-year history within the modern Georgian education space, maintains national and universal values and is oriented on turning intellectual resources towards the country's integration into European sphere and its successful development.
Foundation of the University is related to the idea of the restoration of Georgia's independence and developing Socially Secured Society in 1987, and on this bases establishing the Society "Support and Raise" on July 11, 1991, by its Rector, Prof. Teimuraz Koridze together with the partners, who left the Communist Party.
The aim of the society was to release the country from communist ideas and ideology, to hasten the transition process into the free-market economy, devoid of administrative-command system and to engage the youth in building free and independent state.

The Society “Support and Raise” combined the country’s honoured scholars, who established the first private higher educational institution in Georgia “David Aghmashenebeli Tbilisi Engineering-Economic Institute” led by Professor Teimuraz Koridze, blessed by His Holiness and Beatitude Ilia II, Catholicos-Patriarch of All Georgia.
In 1992, according to the founders’ decision, the name of the institute was changed and it is named as “David Aghmashenebeli University of Georgia”.
The University carried out the study programmes in Medicine, Dentistry, Law, Journalism, Economics, Business Administration, Finance and Banking, Tourism, English Philology and Engineering. According to the Decree N 65/A of the Accreditation Council of Higher Education Institutions of Georgia, dated on October 16, 2006, David Aghmashenebeli University of Georgia was awarded the institutional accreditation in 2007-2008 academic year.
According to the Decree N83 of the Authorization Council of Educational Institutions in 2011, the status of the higher education institution was granted to David Aghmashenebeli University of Georgia in 2012-2013 academic year.
In 2007 the University has become a member of the Europe Business Assembly and for his activity prof. Teimutaz Koridze was rewarded with the “Socrates International Award”.
In the conditions of modern integration, global challenges and increased competitiveness DAUG has been established as an educational and scientific hub with international standards, providing high-quality education with the perspective of its permanent development and improvement; it promotes the University’s awareness and development within the country, region (Caucasus) and internationally; contributes to the preparation of specialists with relevant competencies to modern requirements through student’s personal and professional development.
Since 2011, the University has been operating all education cycles of higher education – Bachelor’s Degree programmes of Law, Business Organization and Management, Financing and Banking, Tourism, Information Technology, Journalism, English Philology and International Relations, a one-cycle programme of Medicine, Dentistry, professional preparation programs, Master’s programmes of Law, Criminal Law, Business Administration, Journalism and International Relations, and Doctoral programmes in Medicine and Economics.
The University has the modern standard building, the lecture rooms, the conference halls and sports halls, the press club, the computer centres, the library with the rich books’ fund and electronic resources, the mock courtroom, the forensic laboratory, the Georgian-English Dental Clinic, the virtual simulation laboratory, the first aid training centre, the authorized broadcasting “Sdasu TV” and “Sdasu Radio” equipped with the modern high-technology.
The highly qualified professors and relevant structural units of the University provide the effective utilization of existing material-technical resources. The centres equipped with the recent technologies, laboratories, conference halls and press club promote the development of students’ practical skills, enhancement of knowledge and increase of competitiveness.
The University strives to bring up the generations and professionals devoted to democratic values and national traditions; to give the opportunity to reveal their potential; to provide integration of their practical experience in theoretical studies and thus, to engage students and graduates in the labour market; to become an innovative university and scientific research centre considering the requirements of the educational market.


Professor Teimuraz Koridze has been awarded Oxford Leaders’ Summit to Socrates International Order and relevant diploma – “Socrates International Award” for the contributionintellectual development in the XXI century.Professor Teimuraz Koridze has been elected as a member of the Council of Europe Rectors. Membership of this Council grants the University significant rights and privileges:

• To belong to elite social institutions;
• Annual scientific-practical conference – “Euro Education” – participation;
• Participation in International Scientific Exchanges and Cooperation Programs;
• Quota internships;
• Participation in practical seminars and trainings;
• Announcing information about the University of SDASU in the annual catalog “World Universities”;
• The right to nominate candidates for various honorary titles and awards;
• Placing information about our university on the website of the Council;
• Presentation of interests of board member universities at prestigious international forums, symposiums, conferences etc.


The Nomination Committee of the European Business Association and the Academic Council of the Vienna International University awarded Professor Teimuraz Koridze, “Honorary Professor of the International University of Vienna” for its contribution to the strengthening of international relations in science, education and business. Professor Teimuraz Koridze has been awarded with the Order of Honor for the “personal contribution to the student’s youth education and vocational entrepreneurship”.

"The Nominee Committee of the European Business Board is pleased to announce: The work of Professor Teimuraz Koridze, professor of the Davit Aghmashenebeli University, was summed up by the Oxford Leaders' Summit as an intellectual way in the development of modern society, for which he was awarded" Socrates Supreme International Order and Award Compatible diplomas ". Director General of the European Business Association John Knot .

The functioning of the European Rectors Council serves as a consolidation of the scientific community and coordination work of the European Higher Education Institutions and priorities of implementation of joint projects are the following key issues: Training-Methodological, Scientific-Research and Cultural-Educational. " Rector of the Vienna International University Professor Wilhelm Goodheer

Quality Assurance Department

Head of Quality Assurance Department Rusudan Kvaratskhelia
Doctor of Economics, Associated Professor. 
Cont. Info.: 
(+995) 593565502;


Functions of Quality Assurance Department

The functions of Quality Assurance Department are:
a. Elaboration of the rules to assess the University policy of quality assurance, quality assurance mechanisms and procedures, teaching and research processes;
b. Cooperation with the relevant services of foreign countries and their universities aiming at establishing clear quality control criteria and their methodology; to develop recommendations for the improvement of university education and scientific research activities;
c. Organizing and coordinating the elaboration of the University’s legal act drafts related to education process, scientific research, authorization and accreditation;
d. Monitoring of academic and scientific research activities of the University, evaluation of studying and scientific research activities;
e. Establishing business contacts with higher education institutions, scientific circles, associations and organizations of Georgia and foreign countries for implementing the objectives- defined in the University Mission;
f. Development of technical monitoring and academic expertise criteria and indicators for Bachelor’s, qualified doctor/dentist, Master’s, doctoral and life-long education programmes;
g. Organizing systematic technical monitoring of Bachelor’s, qualified doctor/dentist, Master’s, doctoral and continuing education programmes based on worked out criteria and indicators;
h. Organizing periodical academic (including international) expertise in collaboration with Georgian and Foreign experts over Bachelor’s, qualified doctor/dentist, Master’s, doctoral and life-long education programmes ;
i. Presenting the recommendations to the Heads of Education Programmes (Bachelor’s, qualified doctor/dentist, Master’s, doctoral and life-long education programmes) for their improvement;
j. Presenting the recommendations to the Schools and Academic Council for further improvement on the basis of the recommendation of technical monitoring ,expertise and external evaluation of the education programmes;
k. Working out the questionnaires and participating in questionnaire preparation process;
l. Organizing the process of systematic inquiry and working out the recommendations based on the analysis of survey results; m. Working out the recommendations based on student assessment analysis for the University schools and the Academic Council to solve the problems in the learning process; n. Reviewing written orders related to the recognition of student’s credits and elaborating relevant recommendations for the schools’ administration;
o. Participating in the elaboration of drafting and preparing the Diploma Supplement of the State Certificate of Higher Education; participation in the process of drafting and submitting the diploma supplement to the university graduates;
p. Organizing scientific conferences, trainings, seminars, consultations and information meetings for academic and administrative personnel on actual issues related to elaboration, authorization and accreditation of academic programmes;
q. Organizing the process of study programmes’ conformity with the accreditation standards;
r. Determining the compliance of the University’s material-technical base with the authorization standards, presenting the recommendations to the Rector aimed at complying the material-technical base with authorization standards;
s. Working out the assessment questionnaire for administrative, academic and invited personnel, alumni and employers and participating in the inquiry;
t. Organizing the survey for administrative, academic and invited staff assessment, working on the survey results, presenting the results to the relevant bodies, working out the recommendations for schools and administrative units of the University for the improvement of their activity; u. Working out the recommendations for effective implementation of the studying process;
v. Participating in the elaboration of the rules for selecting, recruiting and exempting of academic personnel, and monitoring their teaching and research activities;
w. Developing the current, operational and strategic development plans of the Department;
x. Preparing the documentation of self-assessment questionnaires and accreditation self-assessment reports;
y. Conducting the educational process and semester assessment of scientific-research activities, statistical analysis, elaboration of recommendations and implementation of relevant measures if necessary;
z. Preparing the resolutions of the Academic Council and drafting Rector’ legal acts within the Department’s competences, preparing, checking, initiating, elaborating and publishing objectives related to it the correspondence and individual administrative-legal acts;
aa. Performing various functions and tasks within the competences of the Department, Rector’s legal acts and the Academic Council’s resolutions.



ჯაბა თავდგირიძე

ინფორმაციული ტექნოლოგიების სამსახურის უფროსი

file (5)

თეიმურაზ სართანია

ხარისხის უზრუნველყოფის სამსახურის უფროსის

file (5)

გიორგი სართანია



ემილია ალავერდოვი

საზოგადოებასთან ურთიერთობის სამსახურის უფროსი


თამარ თვალაძე

სასწავლო პროცესის მართვის სამსახურის უფროსი


თამარ ბოლქვაძე

საქმისწარმოების სამსახურის უფროსი


ქეთი ცხელიშვილი

საფინანსო სამსახურის უფროსი


იამზე თაბორიძე

სამეცნიერო კვლევების ცენტრის ხელმძღვანელი


მარიამ ელიავა

ჟურნალისტიკისა და ჰუმანიტარულ მეცნიერებათა ფაკულტეტის სასწავლო პროცესის მართვის სამსახურის მთავარი სპეციალისტი


ანი დამენია

სამართლის ფაკულტეტის სასწავლო პროცესის მართვის სამსახურის მთავარი სპეციალისტი


მაია ქორიძე

სტომატოლოგიური კლინიკის მთავარი ექიმი


თამარ ჩირაძე

ბიზნესისა და სოციალურ მეცნიერებათა ფაკულტეტის სასწავლო პროცესის მართვის სამსახურის მთავარი სპეციალისტი


თამარი მჟავანაძე

მედიცინის ფაკულტეტის სასწავლო პროცესის მართვის სამსახურის მთავარი სპეციალისტი


ნუცა ღლონტი

მედიცინის ფაკულტეტის სტომატოლოგიის პროგრამის სასწავლო პროცესის მართვის სამსახურის მთავარი სპეციალისტი


ლოლა თორდია

ბიბლიოთეკის სამსახურის მთავარი მენეჯერი


ბაბუნაშვილი ირენა

შრომის უსაფრთხოების სამსახურის სპეციალისტი

file (5)

დიმიტრი ქადარია

სპორტისა და ახალგაზრდების საქმეთა სამსახურის უფროსი

file (5)

კახაბერ ცნობილაძე

დაცვისა და უსაფრთხოების სამსახურის უფროსი

file (5)

ბექა ლანჩავა

სდასუ TV-ის ოპერატორ-მემონტაჟე


ალა თენიეშვილი

ინფორმაციული ტექნოლოგიების სამსახურის მთავარი სპეციალისტი


ნუკი მჭედლიშვილი

საქმისწარმოების სამსახურის მთავარი სპეციალისტი


Davit Agmashenebeli University of Georgia LLC is a multidisciplinary private higher educational institution whose mission is:
➢ To share with the youth freedom, independence, ethical, national and
public values ​​and ideals;
➢ to promote the intellectual, moral, cultural and socio-economic strengthening of society;
➢ To develop the student to be complex, critical, innovative, and creative
➢ To create and disseminate new knowledge, to maintain and develop the university
long-standing traditions;
➢ Contribute to a constantly changing and global environment, throughout life
learning throughout, taking into account the goals of sustainable development;
➢ To prepare competitive, qualified personnel, according to labor market requirements
➢ To promote promising, realizable, innovative projects and ideas

Heraldic Emblem and Flag

The Coat of Arms of Georgia (Davit Aghmashenebeli University of Georgia) and the flag provides the best of both Georgian-European heraldry traditions, as well as the goals and objectives of the University. Davit Aghmashenebeli University of Georgia shares western values, scientific innovations and achievements of the modern world, but is also based on national roots and traditions. That explains why the image of the Gelati, Virgin Mary Cathedral is in the central part of the university emblem and flag. Gelati is medieval Georgia’s largest religious and cultural center called “Another Athena” and “Second Jerusalem”. It is also a magnificent sign of David Aghmashenebeli’s educational work. The open book on the coat of arms and the flag is a symbol of truth and teaching. In Christianity, the book marks the education of nations, and in Eastern religions it marks scientific wisdom. The university abbreviation “Sdasu” (the name of the University) is written with the letters from the old Georgian alphabet Asomtavruli, which once again proves that the university attaches great importance to national traditions. On the other side of the book, the quill is a sign of spirituality and creative writing. The golden color of the whole emblem and flag marks the highest spirituality and holiness. Thus, the symbol of the Davit Aghmashenebeli University of Georgia clearly expresses the aspirations that the university is based on in the process of educating and upbringing the generations


Honorary Doctors

Catholicos-Patriarch of Georgia Ilia II

Tea Tsulukiani

Lado Chanturia

David Narmania

David Smith

Giorgi Kvesitadze

Johann Schacht

Jemal chkuaseli

Carol Adam Karski

Nina Forakishvili, Peter Lydiard

Piotr Razvadovsky

Zaza (Zaal) Kokaia

Giorgi Kalandia

Konrad Kartz