Virtual Tour

Public lecture “Manipulation and Victimization in Cyberspace”.

იმის დასტურად, რომ მონაწილეობა მიიღო ტრენინგში “სწავლების თანამედროვე მეთოდები” (1)

Public lecture “Manipulation and Victimization in Cyberspace”.

On January 23, 2024 at 11:00 a.m. The Young Diplomats Club of Davit Agmashenebeli University of Georgia has scheduled a public lecture “Manipulation and Victimization in Cyberspace”.

The lecture will be held by Prof. Milica Boskovic, vice-dean at Faculty of Diplomacy and Security and part-time professor at College of Social Work, Belgrade Serbia

The purpose of the lecture is to increase awareness among students and stakeholders about cyber threats and to share the experience of leading countries in the process of solving existing problems.

Working Language: English

Format: Hybrid

To attend the lecture please register at the link below


Department of Public Relations, and Career Development and Graduate Employment Centre